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Photon Genie

The following information is taken from the manufacturer’s web site. We know that some of the lanuguage is a bit over the top, but we do believe this instrument is a powerful instrument for lymphatic support, improved microcirculation, detoxification, and immune system balancing. 

The Photon Genie is the result of decades of research and development, dramatically innovating and advancing the concepts of Tesla, Rife, Abrams and Lakhovsky by perfecting an advanced, proprietary processing of full-spectrum energy and infinite harmonics with recently developed “Skilling Advanced Electronics” to promote restoration of balance and regeneration.

Photon Genie

This life-nourishing photobiotic energy is effectively delivered by both an ionised Noble Gas energy-transmission and deeply penetrating life-force energy waves. The results are effective, harmonically balanced reception by cells of the body to:

  • RE-ESTABLISH the ideal vibrational balances and harmonic energy state of each individual cell in the body.

  • DEVITALISE pathogens in the systems of the body (yeast, fungus, mold, viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.), slowing infections, and reversing processes that generally lead to disease.

  • BREAK-UP blockages and barrier tissues through re-polarising cells and molecules; dissolving lumps, clots and mineral deposits.

  • DETOXIFY the body by moving and balancing the lymphatic, circulatory and other fluid systems of the body through all the channels (blood vessels, lymph, capillaries) for more efficient transport of nutrition, vital energy and infinite intelligence throughout the cells of the body, brain and nervous system.

  • MOVE & BALANCE ALL FLUIDS of the body. Systematically and electronically influence the balance of all fluid systems of the body from the inside “master control level”, the energy control of the cells and Delivering safe, non-invasive and easy-to-use “Skilling Advanced Electronics”, the innovative Photon-Genie effectively provides a full-spectrums of bio-available ultra-harmonics and proprietary mega-frequency transmission in harmony with the impedance of the body.

The Photon Genie is available for personal and family use and to be used for personal, EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES ONLY. Recent studies using live blood-cell analysis with “Dark Field” Microscopy have shown in most cases a marked improvement in all health parameters from regular and consistent use over a period of weeks and months and more noticeable improvement continues with use.

This new method of processing the “Skilling Advanced Photonics” utilising mega-frequencies and ultra-harmonics through the most advanced technologies newly developed by the Skilling Institute in the Photon Genie are the most innovative and extensive technologies ever developed in this field by the electro-medicine master in this field for the last fifty years, Ed Skilling.

The Photon Genie far and away dramatically exceeds the primitive frequency instruments of the past and present. The Photon Genie excels in its comprehensive, full-sensory innovative and effective processing, transmission and delivery of life-force energy and communication to the cells and systems of the body. The Photon Genie is the most advanced and effective vibrational energy technology in the world today.

The Photon Genie has a degree of crossover in terms of what it does with PEMF Therapy and the HyperPhoton (for getting the cells of the body vibrating harmoniously and stimulating general vitality), The Rife Machine (for devitalising pathogens), and the Far Infrared Sauna (for detoxification and lymphatic drainage).


£25 for 25 minutes (5 minutes are allowed for preparation in the room).

Enquire About This Treatment

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